
Miss Spider's Tea Party by David Kirk
Miss Spider's Tea Party by David Kirk

Miss Spider Miss Spider

It was a great relief to see / She ate just flowers and drank just tea." First-time author Kirk's rhyming text, with its singsong rhythm and counting motif (two beetles are followed by three fireflies, then four bumblebees, etc.), is slack and predictable, but his illustrations are thoroughly original.

Miss Spider

"Her friends were glad to watch her feast / Upon the floral centerpiece. Good news travels quickly, and before long her web is abuzz with a full-scale tea party. What's a sociable spider to do when no one will accept her invitations to tea? Seemingly unaware of her own predatory reputation, the eponymous arachnid is perplexed and saddened when a parade of potential guests scuttles, scampers and scurries away "in mortal dread." A timely rainstorm provides the perfect opportunity for Miss Spider to prove her good intentions, however, as she lovingly nurtures a rain-soaked moth with sweets and warm brew. "When lonely Miss Spider tries to host a tea party, the other bugs refuse to come for fear of being eaten!" Will Miss Spider dine alone? Read and find out! Children will enjoy finding and counting out the different insects as they flee Miss Spider. The variety of characters, a different number of each on every succeeding page, surely speak in different voices making this picture book ideal for storytime. The colorful, full page, illustrations are coupled with rhyming text. It seems no one wants to be invited to Miss Spider's Tea Party, after all, what self-respecting insect could hope to escape alive? Yet, Miss Spider persists in her invitation throughout this fun Memorable Animal tale.

Miss Spider's Tea Party by David Kirk